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Decluttering and Organizing Before a Move: 5 Simple Tips

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“Declutter” and “organization” are two of the most used words when you think about moving or discuss it with other people. Moving is a challenging task, and you, unfortunately, can’t get around that.

Decluttering means finding space for the latest gadgets in your life. It provides the perfect opportunity to rid your home of things you have lying around or items you’ve held onto that probably should’ve gone bye-bye a while ago. It’s a great way to start fresh and anew. Decluttering and organizing will mean fewer items to unpack and less to find room for at the new place. These five simple tips for decluttering and organizing before a move will make sure you come out alive on the other side.

Make Checklists Your Friend

Staying on track is difficult when you’re trying to balance life, work, and moving all at the same time. Having a checklist will keep you on the right path. The list can include anything from tasks needed to declutter to calling the cable company and letting them know you’re changing addresses. As you think of something, jot it down on the list.

A checklist is going to keep your mind from getting anxious because you expect it to remember everything. I’m pretty sure everyone has had a “What did I come into this room for?” moment. Now you can peek at the list to know what you need to do for the day.

Create a Labeling System

A labeling system will be your best friend on the day you move and when you’re unpacking. It doesn’t matter if you have hired professional movers or recruited friends and family to help you move; a labeling method will be the easiest way for moving day to run smoothly. Then they won’t have to stop and ask where each box goes. There are a lot of ways you can label, but here are two systems that work well.

The first system is simple: write on each box what room it goes in. The second one has another step. You’ll want to assign each room of the house a different color. For example, the kitchen is red and the master bedroom is blue—using a marker or a highlighter, mark the box with said color. Make sure to create a list with the color coordinates on it so that the movers understand where to place each box or item on moving day.

Breaking It Down

Set yourself up for success when you’re moving. Break down your decluttering and organization goals into smaller chunks. Going room by room will allow you to break down the tasks at hand into more manageable objectives. Here is a good plan of action to get you started.

Room: Kitchen

  • Spices
    • Throw away any items that have expired
  • Utensils
    • Get rid of doubles
  • Pantry
    • Throw away anything that’s been sitting open for awhile
    • Check expiration dates
  • Cabinets
    • Get rid of chipped or cracked dishes
    • Donate mugs that don’t get used anymore
  • Larger appliances
    • Measure to make sure they fit at the new place if taking with

Follow this for every other room in the house. Get rid of anything expired in the medicine cabinet. Donate or throw away clothes that don’t fit you anymore or that you don’t wear often. You can find the digital versions of many different books and movies, so go through your collection to see which ones you can upgrade. Doing this will save you a ton of space.

Get a Jump on Things

It’s best to start this process early. The process can begin as soon as you know that you want to move. You don’t have to wait until you’ve found a place. Getting a jump on decluttering will ease your mind when you’ve found a new home and it’s go-time.

A rule to implement while you’re decluttering is the “one-touch” rule. If you pick something up, you must deal with it. You can’t put it down to think about it or save it for later. It forces you to decide on the spot and make progress in decluttering.

Make Money or Donate

As you begin to declutter and organize, you’ll find yourself with articles of clothing that you no longer wear or wonderful kitchen utensils that you don’t have a use for anymore. This is an opportunity for you to donate these items or make some extra money.

Making Some Extra Cash

A garage and yard sale used to be the best way to go when you found yourself with items you wanted to send away. Feel free to go this route still. It may not be the best idea for you since you’re already stretched thin from the move. Garage and yard sales require extra work along the lines of setting it up and pricing everything. You also have to set aside a day to have the sale and then handle the garage or yard sale on that day.

There are more straightforward ways of going about this. Applications, or apps, and websites have transformed how we thrift. You have such places as Facebook Marketplace, eBay, and others. These websites and apps make it easy for us to make some extra money and get rid of things we have no use for anymore.

Donate to a Charity

You also have the option to donate things you don’t have a use for anymore. Make sure the items are in good working condition, or if it’s clothing, that it doesn’t have stains or holes. There are many amazing charities out there. Some will even come to retrieve donations from your home, making it easier on you.

Moving is a marathon, not a sprint. The task at hand will seem daunting at first when you take a look around at your home. The more time you spend decluttering and organizing, the saner you’ll be at the end of it all. Following these five simple tips for decluttering and organizing before a move will alleviate most headaches of transferring your life from one home to another.

The best thing you can do for yourself is hire professional moving labor for moving day. You’ve already done the hard work of decluttering and organizing all the stuff in your home. Call on Your Hometown Mover in New York and Florida to take care of all your moving needs.

Decluttering and organizing before a move: 5 simple tips

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